Million Little Miracles

Million Little Miracles by Elevation Worship and Maverick City. Written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown and Brandon Lake. New Worship Song and the song itself touches the heart of many with its lyrics.

Even in my ups and downs my whole life went so smooth, it’s nothing less than a miracle. I have learned things the hard way because of my actions, and I learn from it. Still I have been given all grace and blessings I do not deserve. It’s nothing less than a miracle.

And I know Its all from above God the Father Almighty.

All my life I’ve been carried by grace
Don’t ask me how cause I can’t explain
It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m here

I’ve got some blessings that I don’t deserve
I’ve got some scars but that’s how you learn
It’s nothing short of a miracle I’m here

I think it over and it doesn’t add up
I know it comes from above

I’ve got miracles on miracles
A million little miracles
Miracles on miracles
Count your miracles
1-2-3-4 I can’t even count ’em all

You held me steady so I wouldn’t give up
You opened doors that nobody could shut
I hope I never get over what You’ve done

I wanna live with an open heart
I wanna live like I know who You are
I hope I never get over what You’ve done

It’s not coincidence and it’s not luck
I know it comes from above

I’ve got miracles on miracles
A million little miracles
Miracles on miracles
Count your miracles
1-2-3-4 I can’t even count ’em all

I can’t even, I can’t even count ’em all
I can’t even, I can’t even count ’em all
I can’t even, I can’t even count ’em all
1-2-3-4 I can’t even count ’em all

million little miracles

advent hymns advent songs be born in us bestir thy power catholic mass song christmas song christmas worship song chris tomlin chritmas song come to set us free comfort hymn elevation worship emmanuel enter in the wilderness Entrance Mass Hymn every valley faith hymn hillsong holy communion hymn hymns for advent joy hymn lent hymn lift up your heads love concern hymn love hymn love unity hymn Mass Hymn mass song maverick city New Life City Worship o come o come emmanuel Offertory Mass Hymn open the heavens peace hymn providence recessional hymn save us o lord sing out earth and skies songs for advent catholic songs of advent trust-hope we long to see thee so while we are waiting worship worship song

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