Come To The Table Of The Lord

Mass Hymn

Come to the table of the Lord, my friends, come to the altar of his love. Bring him your cloudy doubts and fears, my friends, bring him the storms within your heart. See how the Lord will make us one, my friends, see how the Lord will make us free. He lived and died for … Read more

Joy Was In My Heart

Mass Hymn

Joy was in my heart, alleluia, when I heard them say: “Let us go to God’s house.” And now our feet are standing, alleluia. Within our gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem, most beautiful city, so strongly compact, alleluia. On you converge all the tribes of the Lord. May his peace reign in your walls, happiness and … Read more

Jubilate, Everybody

Mass Hymn

Jubilate everybody, serve the Lord in all your ways, and come before his presence singing, enter now his courts with praise. For the Lord our God is gracious and his mercy’s everlasting, Jubilate, jubilate, Jubilate Deo. He’s our maker, we his creatures | we’re his sheep and he’s our shepherd. Jubilate, jubilate, Jubilate Deo. To … Read more

I Rejoiced When I Heard

Mass Hymn

I rejoiced when I heard the people saying: “Let’s go to the temple of the Lord.” And now at last our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem, O fairest city, so strongly built as one united whole. It is there that the tribes now gather, all the tribes to worship the Lord. … Read more

How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place

Mass Hymn

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord God of Hosts! My soul yearns and pines for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out; even the sparrow may find a home, the swallow a nest for her young; your altars, my king and my God! O Lord of Hosts, hear … Read more

We Gather Here, O Lord

Mass Hymn

We gather here, O Lord, to hear your saving word, to feast upon this finest bread, this richest wine outpoured. Come, set our hearts ablaze! Come, fill our nights and days with purpose strong and vision clear and songs of thankful praise! Your word is breath to us, our life, our truth, our ways, a … Read more

All The Earth

Mass Hymn

All the earth, proclaim the Lord sing your praise to God. Serve you the Lord, heart filled with gladness. Come into his presence, singing for joy. We are the sheep of his green pasture, for we are his people; he is our God. Enter his gates, bringing thanksgiving, O enter his courts while singing his … Read more

All People That On Earth

Mass Hymn

All people that on earth do dwell, I sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; I serve him with joy, his praises tell, come now before him, and rejoice. Know that the Lord is God indeed; he formed us all without our aid. We are the flock he comes to feed, the sheep who by … Read more