Here is Love

Here is love vast as the ocean | Loving kindnessas the flood | when the Prince of Life our ransomshed for us his precious blood. Who his love will not remember? Who can ceaseto sing his praise? He will never be forgottenthroughout Heaven’s eternal days. On the mount of crucifixion | fountains openeddeep and wide … Read more

The Deep Love Of Jesus

O the deep, deep love Jesus!Vast, unmeasured boundless free.Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me.Underneath me, all around me,is the current of thy love.Leading onward, leading homeward,to my glorious rest above. O the deep, deep love of Jesus!Spread his praise from shore to shore.How he loveth, ever loveth changeth never, nevermore.How he … Read more

God Still Loves The World

Every tiny star that twinkles in the night sky,every drop of morning dew,every spark of fire blazing in the furnace,every captivating view,every rainbow in the sky, every pretty butterfly,tells the fascinating news to those who dare to hope,and the message is: God still loves the world.God still, still loves the world.So throw your life into … Read more

Such Love

Such love, pure as the whitest snow,such love, weeps for the shame I know.Such love, paying the debt I owe,O Jesus, such love. Such love, stilling my restlessness,such love, filling my emptiness,such love, showing me holiness,O Jesus, such love. Such love, springs from eternity.Such love, streaming through historysuch love, fountain of life to me,O Jesus, … Read more